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Wayne Freitag “Make a Path” acrylic on canvas

make a path - acrylic paint by Wayne Freitag

I paint from the heart, trying to create imagery that provokes, not pacifies.Art evokes emotion, always trying to achieve a reaction, which must be either emotional as stated or intellectual, psychological or perhaps philosophical. It should never sedate and above all, real art lives on its own terms. It is a message to the viewer who in turn should not be afraid to answer that call- on the contrary, they should savor that moment of discovery. I am an artist and poet usually exhibiting my work in the Delaware Valley towns of New Hope, Lambertville, French-town and sometimes Hopewell, Easton and Princeton. I live in Readington, NJ. I have several different styles to choose from depending on whatever the hell mood I’m in! Specifically for this event, I have always found landscapes to be a wonderful source for shadows both physically and(perhaps even more so) psychologically. I always deepen the shadows and brighten the highlights and reflections toemphasize the drama of “the deep dark woods”!


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November 4, 2019