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Richard Gessner
Image List
Title: “Garlic Weevil Tongue Lasso” print from color sharpie, pilot pen 4: am drawing, 11”W x 14”H, $75.00

Richard Gessner
Image List
Title: “Garlic Weevil Tongue Lasso” print from color sharpie, pilot pen 4: am drawing, 11”W x 14”H, $75.00

The 4 a.m. drawings are an ongoing series, a compost of random doodlings; free flowing graphic diarrhea unconstipated by straitjackets of realism.
Existing outside linear time and rational space, the 4 a.m. drawings express irrational, absurd, bottom of the psychic barrel  impulses.
Pungent, oceanic, interconnected, transforming imagery packed into a small space, arranged in a coherent composition are the hallmarks of  my 4 a.m drawings


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August 13, 2023


Posted on

August 13, 2023