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Patricia A. Bender “Moon” graphite + colored pencil drawing on a 1920’s Funk & Wagnall’s dictionary page, 2021, $1200.00

Patricia A. Bender “Moon” graphite + colored pencil drawing on a 1920’s Funk & Wagnall’s dictionary page, 2021, $1200.00

   I believe that if we humans knew the answers to all our questions, if we understood everything in our world, if there were no great mysteries left to unravel, life would be a dull and monotonous thing.  It is our curiosity, our desire to explore the unknown, our quest to learn and understand the secrets of our universe that gives life its energy and excitement.  And it is the origins and workings of our universe, our grand and beautiful cosmos that presents one of the greatest mysteries of all for humankind.

   The writer Neal Stephenson in his novel Anathem wrote, “The cosmos consists of physical stuff and consciousness.  Take away consciousness and it is only dust; add consciousness and you get things, ideas, and time.”

   You also get art.  My drawings represent my consciousness attempting to visualize, understand, and wrestle with the physical stuff of our universe and what it might mean in the grand scheme of things.  Through the juxtaposition and interplay of abstract geometric forms I seek to depict the beauty of our cosmos and to touch the mystery of our place in it.  My limited and tiny consciousness will never grasp the infinite nature and mystery of our universe, but it sure loves to try.


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November 13, 2023


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November 13, 2023