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Eleanor James
 “Each Other’s Worlds” acrylic and ink, 12”x12”, 2022, $300.00

Eleanor James
 “Each Other’s Worlds” acrylic and ink, 12”x12”, 2022, $300.00

“Hope is being able to see there is light, despite all the darkness.” Tutu
I find the balance of life to be a struggle, as I’m sure most of us do. How do we find the light through the darkness, the soft within the rigid, the kindness amongst the hate? My artwork reflects these juxtapositions of contrasting emotions and circumstance in life. I often create geometry softened with landscapes, skeletal structures against botanical studies, soft pastels next to vibrant fluorescents in a way that mirrors this equilibrium in my mind. I want my viewers to connect on a personal level with my work and remind themselves of the struggles they have fought, that they have worked hard to show up, to care, to be strong and to be kind. I want to bring out their emotions and experiences so they can be sincere and raw with their reflections of life. I hope to connect with people on a vulnerable level where we can find compassion, kindness and love for ourselves and one another.


Posted on

August 13, 2023


Posted on

August 13, 2023