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“Beckoning Bench” Round Valley Reservoir, NJ by Larry McCandlish

“Beckoning Bench”	 Round Valley Reservoir, NJ by Larry McCandlish

Art is a place of refuge and a pathway to understanding at times when we find our lives in a state of out-of-control chaos. The Covid-19 crisis, the Black Lives Matter struggle, and the complete failing of a corrupt and inept government have hurled us into a fuming pit filled with corrosive forces that seek to destroy our humanity.

The small photographs in this exhibit are reminders that we are not totally trapped by our circumstances, that there is a future place and time beyond the here and now, that there are ways to exit from the pit if we work hard to find them and, then with new found knowledge and resolve, strive to find a better tomorrow. 

It is good to remind ourselves that even in our isolation and struggle, even under the yoke of suppression, there is beauty and meaning in our universe that can not be erased by sickness and suffering, incompetence, violence and death. Let us rise up and move on. Let us illuminate our condition, speak truth to power and inspire action: Make Art.


Posted on

July 19, 2020


Posted on

July 19, 2020