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Laura Pettine – “Lovey Bits.” mixed media fiber sculpture, 33” H x 29” W x 30” D, 2022. $5,500.00

Laura Pettine – “Lovey Bits.” mixed media fiber sculpture, 33” H x 29” W x 30” D, 2022. $5,500.00

“Loveybits” is the result of a confluence of experiments and necessities. She exists primarily as a reaction to another art show’s call for work that was, at its core, sexist and demeaning to women. I was offended by that and felt I really needed call back to it by laying the nude female form to its barest – strip it down to its gynecological/gastroenterological guts. So instead of the enticing naked female they wanted, instead they got an anus. A cheerful, huggable, glowing anus, but an anus nevertheless. The materials I used for the piece have evolved from other work – the textile is printed from images of my paintings and other materials in “Loveybits” are used in many of the pieces I’m currently pursuing in this series of sculptural objects.


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November 20, 2022


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November 20, 2022