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John Marron and Jerry Hirniak’s collaboration – “High Rise: Progress is NOT our most Important Product” , ink, metal, acrylic, 17” x 22”, 2016, NFS

John Marron and Jerry Hirniak’s collaboration –   “High Rise: Progress is NOT our most Important Product” , ink, metal, acrylic, 17” x 22”, 2016, NFS

Ronald Reagan, once the TV frontman for General Electric light bulbs, would intone the corporate mantra “ Progress is our most important product” every Sunday night following Disney in the 60’s. Sic.k.
This collaborative artwork, done with Jerry Hirniak, also challenging the myth of “Originality” & hard-wired artistic “virtuosity”, presents a mysterious monolith, ie High Rise ( read #45 nit twit) that inverts a light bulb to allow buddha (original nature) to lead us on a more non-materialist path.


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March 30, 2020


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March 30, 2020