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Jean Burdick “Crested Wheatgrass” silk screen on vellum,

Jean Burdick “Crested Wheatgrass” silk screen on vellum,


Through my observations of the natural world over the passage of time, I am inspired by the layering of light, pattern, texture and color. I am interested in the fragility of nature in a changing environment. I draw on my photographs of landscapes, which record light, shadow and memory. 

 In the studio process, I build each successive layer of pattern, texture, shape and color. Beginning with silkscreen printing, I enhance the image by drawing, painting, printing and experimental mark-making. Each layer magnifies, overlaps, obscures or otherwise enhances the layers that came before.

Reimagining what I have observed, I am able to reference the natural world without being constrained by it.


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November 26, 2018


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November 26, 2018