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Stanley Gavidia – “The Children of the Moon” oil on canvas

Stanley Gavidia – “The Children of the Moon” oil on canvas

Stanley Gavidia was born and raised in El Salvador.

He studied Visual Art at National Art Center of El Salvador, (CENAR) Centro Nacional de Artes de El Salvador. Stanley Gavidia currently resides in Paterson, N.J.

Art Statement

I cannot say anything concrete about painting, what happens on the canvas is unpredictable and surprising to me. There is no particular system I follow when I begin painting.

I work on many canvases simultaneously; some of them suggest something, once I sense the suggestion, I begin to paint. I know what I have to do at the moment. I leave it to the spectator to fix the meaning. It can always be interpreted in many ways.

I frequently hear the question, what do these images mean? However, this is simply the wrong question; visual images do not have to conform to either verbal thinking or optical fact.

A better question would be, ‘do these images convey any emotional truth?’


Posted on

October 11, 2017


Posted on

October 11, 2017