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Rita Herzfeld – “Different Doos” acrylic on canvas

Rita Herzfeld  – “Different Doos” acrylic on canvas

Perhaps the state of one’s hair is the common most discussed subject next to weight and diet. I’m having a bad hair day; I’m losing my hair; my hair is too kinky; should I color my hair? my hair is too straight; what shampoo do you use?; what conditioner?  Do you wash your hair every night; if I wear a hat, will my hair fall out? Should I cut my hair?  Should I let it grow? Am I too old to have long hair?  Most of these questions are asked by women…however men are getting more and more concerned with their overall appearance and we notice men shaving  their head to avoid look-ing bald… or just to assume a different look.  Many men dye their hair and lots of young men will streak their hair and use outlandish colors either on whole head or  just a few strips.  Buns and pony tails have been worn by men as well as women.  Braids are all over the place for men and women.  Life is good.  One is able to assume a certain look that they feel comfortable w/o being labeled as nuts.  It’s fun.  The way you wear your hair can affect your mood.  Be comfort-able…be you.


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October 10, 2017


Posted on

October 10, 2017