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Nanette Reynolds Beachner 
- “Womb” sculpture (paper and metal), 18”H x 14”W, 2022, Call Gallery for pricing

Nanette Reynolds Beachner 
- “Womb” sculpture (paper and metal), 18”H x 14”W, 2022, Call Gallery for pricing

In me.

No church or state has I right to my womb. It is inside of me. It is my body.
I respect your right to practice your religion, but your religion does not give you the right to dictate my choices. And while I agree to follow the law, laws that do not protect a woman’s right to make choices about what happens regarding birth control, are not ones I wish to live with.
Baring children is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Women bare this load but all too often it can be a burden too, especially to the poor – effecting whole generations of families. Life is precious. By allowing women to live their best lives, they will be ready when the time comes to raise healthy, happy babies.

So, hands off.
My womb.
My body.
My right to choose.


Posted on

November 20, 2022


Posted on

November 20, 2022