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John Marron “Cold Awakening” photograph

John Marron “Cold Awakening” photograph


“ Being the pink satin bastard baby bump at my parents’ shotgun Halloween wedding at St.Mary’s Catholic Church in Davenport, Iowa, I finally emerged on December 16th, 1947, a deep blue snow-covered bitterly cold Post WWII dawn, 5 days before my due date on the winter solstice, Saturnalia, a Roman pagan holy day. Surprise!
Asleep, snails compassionately slimed their way up Siddhartha Gautama’s body to protect his cranium from the hot Spring sun, April 8th, 563 B.C., in Lumbini, Nepal & to celebrate Vesak, his 27th birthday! Their spiraling humped shapes quickly becoming the iconic & magic statue thought bumps for millions of Buddhist devotees & dharmic truth seekers for centuries to come!


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November 26, 2018


Posted on

November 26, 2018