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Fred Cole – “Due Lune con Luce” recycled wood, metal and plastic lens, closet light

Fred Cole – “Due Lune con Luce” recycled wood, metal and plastic lens, closet light

I have always been fascinated by the moon. As a kid it always changed positions when we were riding home in the car…one side than the other…seemed like a miracle to me. It’s phases, size, brightness and dances with the clouds were always a big deal to me. My main interest in the moon comes from the small knowledge I have of the influence the moon has on the planet and all of us on earth. The mythology surrounding it, the art capturing it, the poems and songs celebrating it, and it’s allure to so many have made the moon special for me.

However, my favorite aspect of the moon is the uniting aspect it has to the planet Earth at large. Every night there is a moon, it is seen all over the world in the same phase and in the same way by the people everywhere. It reminds all of us we are connected and can remind us of people we know in faraway places large, that in fact they are seeing the same moon we are. To me this grounds us and makes us more human in a world that often feels large, disconnected, and disorienting.

My work for this show combines my interest in the moon and my interest in sculptures with light. What better than to light the moon for the Hamilton St. Gallery.


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October 11, 2017


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October 11, 2017